Workers Compensation Lawyer Los Angeles

Las Oficinas Legales de Robert Lee han estado en el negocio de ayudar a los clientes a luchar en sus batallas legales desde 2011. Robert Lee ha obtenido premios en juicios de Compensación de Trabajadores, veredictos de jurado en juicios de jurado del Tribunal Superior y premios por casos de salarios y horas en Audiencias del Comisionado de Trabajo . Robert Lee ha obtenido acuerdos por reclamos de acoso sexual y otros asuntos relacionados con el empleo. Puede estar seguro de que su caso está en buenas manos.

Más de 8 años de experiencia

Hemos estado ayudando a clientes desde el año 2011.

Definiendo el éxito

Obtuve veredictos y premios que representan a nuestros clientes.

Más de 8 años de experiencia

Hemos estado ayudando a clientes desde el año 2011.

Definiendo el éxito

Obtuve veredictos y premios que representan a nuestros clientes.

The Law Offices of Robert Lee has been in the business of helping clients fight their legal battles since 2011. Robert Lee has obtained awards at Workers’ Compensation trials, jury verdicts at Superior Court jury trials and awards for wage and hour cases at Labor Commissioner Hearings. Robert Lee has obtained settlements for sexual harassment claims and other employment related matters. You can rest assured that your case is in safe hands.

Los Angeles Workers' Compensation Lawyers: How can they help you?

Los accidentes laborales ocurren con mayor frecuencia de lo que las empresas señalan. Según las cifras de estadísticas laborales, más de un millón de personas al año deben dejar sus puestos de trabajo debido a un accidente laboral, lesión por movimiento repetitivo o enfermedad relacionada al oficio que realizan.

No estar capacitado para realizar tu trabajo puede significar una reducción considerable de tu salario, acumulación de deudas y gastos médicos que quizás tu salario no pueda cubrir, y en algunos de los casos más injustos, un despido directo.

Muchos empleados que han sufrido lesiones durante su jornada laboral o que están padeciendo de una enfermedad causada por su trabajo podrían realizaruna reclamación para recibir una compensación de trabajadores justa y de acuerdo a su caso.

If you think that hiring a local Los Angeles Worker’s comp lawyer is unnecessary, in this post we will tell you why you need one of these professionals to take your case if you expect to receive fair compensation from your employers. Keep reading!

Why hire a workers' compensation lawyer in Los Angeles?

Every worker who has suffered a work accident that prevents him from performing his duties as before or who has had large medical expenses because of this injury needs the help of a workers comp attorney for various reasons.

No importa si has sufrido una lesión en tu espalda a causa de cargar demasiado peso o si has desarrollado síndrome de túnel carpiano por escribir o trabajar en una computadora por años, desde afecciones respiratorias por productos tóxicos hasta caídas y choques, todas estas lesiones y accidentes aplican para una compensación.

Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney will help you understand your position, know what your rights are and get fair compensation, especially if you suffer pain, discomfort because of the injury or if your salary has been reduced.

Benefits of hiring a workers compensation lawyer in Los Angeles:

• With the right advice, you can make your working conditions change: It is likely that you can continue working after your injury, as long as the working conditions adjust to your situation. With fair compensation, your employer may even have the obligation to condition the space or reduce working hours, so you can perform your duties more comfortably.

• You may receive greater compensation: at first glance, you may have suffered an injury or have developed some medical condition over time, but in many cases workers have the right to claim beyond this. With a workers compensation lawyer by your side, you can receive extra compensation such as lost wages, return to your old place of work with conditions adjusted to your state, or even, a lifetime compensation.

• Get more financial security while you recover: workers’ compensation, depending on the case, may include the payment of medical expenses that include from consultations, treatments, to surgery, as well as a weekly payment for worker support. You can get all this with the help of a good lawyer!

• You would have a legal guide at all times: taking a lawsuit is not easy, it is not just about filling out papers. With a Los Angeles work comp lawyer advising you, you can know what to do and how to do it step by step so that your claim proceeds. This includes documentation of your injury or illness and other evidence supporting your claim. Having the support of a professional right now can make a big difference, both for your peace of mind and for the success of your demand.

• You will have your job protected: many workers are afraid to sue their employers for fear of losing their job. A workers’ compensation attorney can prevent discrimination against you from being discussed, in addition to ensuring that all your rights are respected.

Si has sufrido un accidente laboral o has desarrollado alguna enfermedad a causa de tus labores en una empresa debes contactar cuanto antes a un abogado de compensación laboral.

It will not cost you much, most of these professionals provide a free first consultation and many offer reasonable forms of payment, taking into account the conditions of your case. Request help right now!

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